Saturday, 4 January 2014


Hello to all! :)

I have started this blog to share with people things I am learning about what works naturally for different health issues.  I am immensely interested in natural medicine and hope to complete an advanced diploma of naturopathy in the next few years or so.  I haven't started yet, but I have conducted a few "experiments" (for want of a better word) on myself and on family members, usually with satisfactory success (I will post articles on them over time.)

As you will see, I have a blog section which records my trial of living wheat free.  There is a section for articles I have written, and articles I have posted from other heath websites.  Hopefully it will not be too hard to navigate.

A word on the name "Die Hard Diaries"...

Congratulations!  You have officially got a taste of my quirky sense of humor!  :D  I called it "Die Hard Diaries" because if we lived more naturally, it should be harder to die.  :)

If you would like to read more about me and what I do, you can see my personal blog "Amity" at

I pray you are blessed as you read and that you will glean tips for your health.  If you have questions or reports on how a remedy worked for you, please leave a comment.  :)

God bless you!


Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.  (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your posts, Em! Having a best friend naturopath will be soooo beneficially awesome ;) love ya xx

Emily Dempster said...

Thanks Em! Love you too! :)

Clare said...

Hey this looks as if it could be interesting!

Emily Dempster said...

Thanks Clare! :) Have a great day! :)